동화일렉트로라이트 동화일렉트로라이트

We are making various efforts
to eradicate unethical behavior.

Reporting Category


Processing Procedure

  • 01

    After you register your report anonymously or with your real name, the relevant department of our company will receive it.

  • 02
    Review of Report Contents

    The contents will be reviewed, and the relevant department will be checked.

  • 03
    Initiation of Investigation

    Based on the report, an investigation will be initiated according to internal processes.
    (If additional information is required, we may contact you using the provided contact information.)

  • 04
    Completion of Investigation

    After confirming the facts, the investigation will be concluded.

  • 05
    Response to Processing Results


  • We will make every effort to ensure that the whistleblower does not suffer any disadvantages for reporting.
  • - The whistleblower will not be subjected to any disadvantages or discrimination based on status due to the act of reporting.
  • - The identity and content of the report will be strictly kept confidential in accordance with the whistleblower's intent.
  • - Those who cooperate in the investigation process through statements or provide evidence will be equally protected as whistleblowers.
  • - If an individual voluntarily reports unethical or illegal acts in which they were involved, the company may mitigate sanctions against them.
  • - If the whistleblower faces adverse consequences due to the report, they may request correction and protection from the ethical management department. The ethical management department will take all necessary measures to minimize any disadvantages to the whistleblower.

When Reporting

  • - Never submit false or exaggerated reports and malicious defamation reports against individuals.
  • - When reporting, provide specific details based on the principle of truthfulness, as investigations may be difficult to initiate for inaccurately reported matters.
  • - Anonymous reports that cannot verify facts or have unclear evidence may be closed without further notice.
  • - This Reporting Unethical System is designed for reporting matters related to ethical management, and reports unrelated to this or containing advertising content will not be processed.

Reporter informationrequired is a required field.

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Consent to Collection of Personal Information
  • [Purpose of Collection and Use of Personal Information]
    The company utilizes the collected personal information for the following purposes.
    Others: Reporting Unethical

  • [Collected Personal Information]
    The company collects the following personal information for membership registration, consultation, service application, etc.
    Collected information: Name, Home Address, Home Phone Number, E-mail, Website (www.dongwha.com)

  • [Retention and Use Period of Personal Information]
    After achieving the purpose of collecting and using personal information, the company promptly destroys the information without exception.